ian 'wholeman' lovell

I contacted Ian a year and a half ago, when I started my first attempt at this site. He has just sent me the following details, including this photo of himself and the 6kg snapper that didn't get away!

"I'm married to Julie (née Martin) and we have two children.

Katie Lovell (25 yrs) has completed degrees in Media & Communications and Teaching. She is teaching drama at a quality co-ed non-denominational primary school in Adelaide, Australia . Recently she went to Cardiff to represent Australasia in developing the International Baccalaureate curriculum for this part of the world. She is also running her own mini-drama school on Wednesday nights.

Martin Lovell (23 yrs) has completed two degrees, one in International Studies and one in Law & Legal Practice. He did a Scholarship Study term at Manchester Uni which he enjoyed - mainly the curries I think. Specialised in Commercial Law he has started work at a top tier law firm based in Melbourne and has recently completed a major law research project for a couple of Unis. We visit him reasonably frequently as Melbourne is only a 9 hour drive (780kms) from Adelaide.

Since leaving Bedales I did well at A Levels, did an honours degree (2:1) at Essex University in Comparative Studies in Govt, Economics and Sociology, specialising in Latin American Studies (Brazil) and led a "Backing Britain Study-Trade Mission to Rio. Over the years I've worked in Import/Export, Small Business Development, Planning, Marketing & Business Assistance, Freight Transport, Economic Development, Port Development, Shipping, Consulting in Trade, Transport & International Marketing and am currently Freight Transport Coordinator Logistics and Marine Policy for the South Australian Government's Transport & Urban Planning Department.

Married for 29 years to Julie we've stayed together because as a Social Worker she reckons I'm a job for life!

We're based in Adelaide, living by the beach. With its Mediterranean lifestyle, good wines, excellent beaches (Work of Each for Beach for All), restaurants and Arts festivals, Adelaide is well known for its quality of life. With a population of just over 1 M and great planning it's easy to move around in. So if any O/B plans to visit the Antipodes they are most welcome to contact me for advice etc. Recently discovered a few O/Bs living in Australia and would be good to know who else got transported over here.

My main non-work interests are fishing, scuba diving, snow skiing, four-wheel driving and camping in the Outback - as well as enjoying the good things in life."

70 Seaview Road
South Australia 5022

08 8235 9559
