david maciver

David was at the '92 Reunion, where the first of these pictures was taken.

Having tried, unsuccessfully, to contact him last year to let him know about this enterprise, I was most pleasantly surprised to receive an Email from him today (11.4.03). He included in the message the following lines about his life and the second, more recent photo.

"I work for the behemoth American bank, Citibank, and struggle with a long commute each day to Canary Wharf. Would love to stop doing this, but retirement is still only a glimmer. What I'd really like to do is have more time for my 'alternative profession' of woodwork, which seems to take up every free moment - not the least of which because we live in a rambling 300 year old Mill house which needs constant TLC and is a never ending project (made worse by being massively flooded on October 2001). Suspect this comes from somewhere in my Bedales roots!

'We' is Joan (my American wife) and 3 kids, David (19) who is in his 2nd year reading maths at Pembroke, Cambridge - which is more or less what he wants to do for the rest of his life; James ('Jamie') (17) in his lower 6th doing Philosophy, Psychology, Maths, English. Lit. (none of which I can claim any credit for) and Laura (14) who is a year away from doing more than twice as many GCSEs as I struggled through for O levels.

We are lucky to have great kids who have let us
escape most of the trials and tribulations of being teenagers - and overall life has (and is being) good to us. I hope that doesn't sound smug and self-centred, but I am sad to read that many of our class have not had easy times, and several are no more. I was devastated about Tink, with whom I spent much of my childhood, even before Bedales, and also saw in later years - but lost touch with more recently."

The Mill
Mill Road
Baythorne End

01440 785 244
