Alexei Yavlinsky. At Bedales: 1995-1999


Born: 30th June 1981






I will always remember Bedales with a smile. Great fun, an unforgettable experience and now an integral part of my personality.

For the next 4 years I am going to read Computer Science at university. Eventually I will come back to Russia, where I hope to do something exciting and worthwhile.

I will miss everyone, some people whom I hardly knew at all. Everyone contributed to the atmosphere and made it a good year.


Alexei graduated with BSc in Computer Science from University of Southampton, with First Class, in 2002, and completed a Research MSc in Advanced Computing at Imperial College London in 2003 (with distinction).

He is now pursuing a PhD in Computer Science (in the field of Information Retrieval) at Imperial College, where he has been awarded the Overseas Research Scholarship to support his studies.

During his undergraduate years, Alexei had work experience in the USA.

Nick and I in 's Hertogenbosch, Holland - April 2001