Nick Whitmore. At Bedales: 1994-1999


Born: 17th July 1980






Well what can I say, it's all over . After 9 whole years at the Dunhurst /Bedales thing I am now being set free into the real world, scary huh ? The years have not been kind to me. When I was first in Dunhurst I was a cute little boy with blonde hair, mute, never saying a word unless spoken to first, now I am an obnoxious, sarcastic bastard who never stops talking to any random punter I come across. The thought of entering reality is just too daunting for me, an eighteen year old who still gets up early on Saturdays to watch children's cartoons and play with Lego. After failing my A-levels I am going to Farnham school of art to do a foundation, after that probably moving to a London art school. I hope to move on to a life in narcotics and organised crime controlled from a small homely Italian restaurant in Ipswich . 'Peace out, and love to ya's all'.Nick 'Da V-Man' Whitmore .

Animation at Farnham Art College, Farnham
Through Old Bedalians Organisation -