Sophie Smith. At Bedales: 1994-1999


Born: 26th April 1981






In September I'm going to Farnham art school after having Africa and Spain in the summer. After that I might do a ceramics degree. The dreaded Ullswater has to be my first memory but things slowly began to improve.

With best memories like the whole Block 4 binge on bonfire night. Most embarrassing memory must have been Gina.G and the costume - or lack of it! Katie and Dinny's party last summer was excellent fun apart from Charles and his camera, which takes me on to the Geography trips which soon led me to giving up after wading in a river with wellies up to my chin!

Worst memories have been the stress of all the exams, but will soon be forgotten after the excitement of the future. I can't really think of much else to say, but goodbye and good luck to everyone. Live every minute as if it's your last!

Equestrian studies at Cirencester Agricultural College
Through Old Bedalians Organisation -