Alice Sedgwick. At Bedales: 1994-1999


Born: 15th Ocober 1981






(I can't believe that this abstract invention is beginning to substitute for our artistic individuality)

Oh my God, things are moving (have moved) so fast. I know the last couple of weeks will be full of painful pleasure (I like it), but I am already starting to feel the nostalgia kick in. So, I think it is really important we are establishing this cyber contact (of course, it will all be ruined with the millennium bug). The most amazing seven years (half) of life. Every day I feel so grateful and lucky that I was able to come back for sixth form after my little interlude. God knows what I would be like or what I would be doing next if I had stayed where I was.

So, if everything goes as planned, (grades etc) I will be at York University as from next October and at a guess my e mail address will be ( but it might not be). I really hope we all try to keep in contact and meet up at strange and random places in the years to come. Please do use me as a contact if I prove to be a beneficial person to know.

Alice Sedgwick

History of Art at York University
Through Old Bedalians Organisation -