Eion Murdock. At Bedales: 1994-1999


Born: 5th February 1981






I was at Bedales (and Dunhurst) for a total of ten years, starting in 1989, but for me, the fun only really started in the ‘big school’. There were so many good moments that it si hard for me to think of one best one. Perhaps one of the binges or ‘wild’ nights out on the town (but never too wild, considering Pefe). If you were expecting something deep and sentimental, then you probably don’t (didn’t?) know me very well. I plan to go to university in either London or Edinburgh (grades permitting) to read artificial intelligence, or something like that. After that, who knows what? In case you want to contact me, e-mail me at eion@usa.net or eionmurdock@hotmail.com.

That’s all, folks!

Artificial Intelligence at Imperial College, London
Through Old Bedalians Organisation - oldbedalians@bedales.org.uk