James Downham. At Bedales: 1994-1999


Born: 17th October 1980






Well, here I am, lost and confused age eighteen having entered Dunhurst lost and confused age nine. At this stage it's also looking increasingly likely that I'll be leaving Bedales lost and confused in a couple of months to continue my lost and confused life. Lost and confusedness aside I can safely say that Bedales has had a load of happy memories for me.

While I'll never forget Dunhurst, the things I'll remember most are of Bedales: having to live my life under the command of a series of insane housemasters, having to develop resistance to white cider, the ability to consume ten pieces of toast as a main meal each day and late nights on end without sleep.

It's the people in a school and not so much the way it works that makes it special and in the face of a rapidly changing school, we've not done badly as a year and I'll miss you all a lot. No doubt we'll all meet again, probably down the job centre in Pefe the way things are going. Before I get all deep and sentimental and receive a kicking in from one of the IT goons for crying on the keyboard, I'll finish this short piece and wish you all goodbye. Bye for now.

James Downham

James graduated with an Upper Second in Journalism & Sociology from City University, London

James has a brilliant site dedicated to our year. Visit it at members.aol.com/LondonJams

