Stephen has just sent me a brief update of his life since 1967, together with the second of these two photos. The picture was tiny and seems to have been cut from a magazine page. I've done my best to blow it up a bit and to remove the evidence of print screen dots. The first picture is a blow-up from the '92 reunion group shot.
Here's his resumé:
1967 -
Metallurgy (1 year only) Sir John Cass, Aldgate East.
1968 - Vacation in the Catskills, where I met my future wife Barbara
Oppenheimer, marrying in 1973.
1970 - Travelled overland to India, specifically to meet Teacher/Life
Informer (who I still listen to).
1971-75 - Loughborough as Design Teacher (in Dave Butcher's footsteps).
1975-79 - Luton, then Dunstable, teaching CDT.
1979-89 - Aylesbury, teaching children with learning difficulties.
1989-Now - Various posts, mainly as PA to people with spinal injuries.
I am now a groundsman in West Sussex. Why? Because I don't want to be in a classroom or an office. I love the outdoors.
Pleasures & Pursuits - I still love sailing and most things outdoors (helping to restore the Wey & Arun Canal). Also, exploring life and all its possibilities, with non-profitmaking organisation Co-Counselling International. Love Radio 4!
I would love visits from any '67 OBs!
Guildford Road
West Sussex
RU12 3JD
01403 823843