elizabeth 'libby' whittome

Libby rang me tonight (18.7.03) and confirms that the photo is indeed her!

She sounded fit, happy and young. Something to do with the outdoor life, farming sheep and cattle on the Scottish mountainsides and riding in endurance events, sometimes up to 100 miles a day on horseback.

Libby is not able to view this website. She does not have a computer and relies on the phone and the post for communications. She does say, however, that she might pluck up the courage to attend our next reunion, whenever that is!

I'll be in touch.

Achinreir Farm
PA37 1SF

01631 720320

This poor-quality picture has been blown up from an old group photo. I knew it had to be Libby... nobody else had hair as long as this!

If you want to see the rest of the group, visit the 'Nostalgia' section. Libby has her own thoughts on the identities of the other members.