welcome to the Class of 1967 home on the Web

More than 2 years after I rashly offered to try to build a website for the Class of '67, here it is! Now with a new, clinical-looking, dentist's waiting-room style navigation panel! My homage to Apple!

As far as I can tell, there seem to have been 50 of us and I have listed our names on the 'class list' page. Some, sadly, are no longer with us and I wish their families strength and peace.

Some of the people I have contacted have given me details of how their lives have taken shape since those heady days when we were young and the future seemed infinite. Some have chosen not to do so. Some I have not been able to contact.

Almost without exception, the pictures I have used to illustrate these pages were taken at the '92 reunion so, apart from the Peter Pan-like David Simon, I don't suppose many of us look like that anymore! Please send me some new photos, or other updates, if you have any.

Where possible I have included contact details, unless expressly requested not to do so. Maybe this will enable you to resume that conversation that you never quite finished! I must ask that people's privacy is respected and that these details are not used for purposes connected with unsolicited mail or other unwanted intrusions into their lives.

If you know the whereabouts of somebody whose details are not included, feel free to Email me by clicking on the 'Contact' button on the left, the one with the Envelope icon.

Whichever page you find yourself on, you can get back to the Class List by clicking on the 'Home' button. That's the one showing the little House.

You'll find a button, in the new Navigation Panel on the left, which will take you to the 'Nostalgia Gallery'. There is now more than one thing in there but I'm still hoping for lots more of the pictures you took while we were at school! Come on now...What's keeping you!

Yet another new page now...I've added a place where people can post messages. Send them to me first and I'll add them to the page.

By the way: This site was built on my Mac, which means that text is displayed smaller than on a PC. If you're using a PC you will probably find that my design has gone haywire! If it's altogether too ugly for you, let me know and I'll try to sort it out. In the meantime, you could try going up to your 'View' menu and reducing the text size (under 'Text Zoom').

Enjoy the trip!

Know Amin?

I have received an encouraging Email from Amin Bredan, who says he left Bedales in 1968. I don't remember Amin but if you do, you can read his message here.

Special Notice!

Caroline Carr (Bennett) is organising a mini reunion in Coffin Bay in December. If you're looking for an excuse to visit the Antipodes, this is your chance!

Caroline's contact details are on her page.

Special Update!
Click Here for a new update!!

An update from Ian Lovell, for anybody who might like to spend Christmas in Australia. Click here.

Chris Barclay!

News of Chris, at last!
Click here.

Alan Buchanan!

Alan too! Click here.

Nostalgia Update!

Latest Nostalgia Pics

Click here